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Your new partner in talent acquisition and career support.

About Lecruit

Lecruit has been supporting employers and talent across the Automotive, Tech, Finance and Logistics sectors for nearly a decade.


Our tried and tested formula of targeted recruitment based on integrity, speed and discretion has helped thousands of people on their career journey, and supported hundreds of growth-oriented companies to remain forward-thinking, even during disrupted periods of trading and operation.


We’re also excited to be expanding into some of the most exciting and essential business sectors - renewables and energy, and digital transformation.


While far from “emerging” industries, so much investment and attention has been on entire business sectors pivoting to new forms of sustainable product creation, not to mention the ongoing shift to green energy creation and the importance of digital operations.


With vast workforces reskilling in the wake of these shifts to renewable practice and digital-first operations, Lecruit are best placed to offer hands-on enterprise workforce guidance for employers and specific, accessible channels to new employment for talent.

Industries we recruit for.

  • Automotive

  • Technology and IT

  • Renewables and Energy

  • Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain

  • FinTech, Financial Services and Accounting

  • Digital Transformation and Marketing

  • Executive Interim Placements

Our commitment to you.

Niche recruitment done right.

We know our sectors and we know them well. With nearly a decade sourcing staff and supporting companies within Automation and Tech, and with our new renewables department taking the load off sustainable companies seeking talent, we’re well placed to help.

Integrity is everything.

Lecruit works best when every stakeholder has the right expectations. Our client handling and business development is successful because we lead with integrity and honesty, and our candidate management is candid, patient, but laser-focused when opportunity strikes.

We’re in it for the long haul.

Modern career and employer support may seem like the business of rapid turnaround and battling counter offers. And at times it is. But effective recruitment needs to be built around lifecycles - product life cycles and career life cycles. We’re not knee-jerk recruiters: we help clients and candidates across months, if not years, perfecting their career placement and team builds.

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